
Sunday services at First Melissa are designed to start your week off right with inspiring music, solid biblical teaching and a chance to connect with our church family. Strong Bible teaching from Senior Pastor Trey Graham dives deep into scripture with illuminating insight to help us grow in knowledge and put our faith into action.

Join us in-person on Sundays at 9:00 or 10:15 am,
or watch and chat with us online at 11:30 am by clicking here.

What to Expect

We're located at the southwest corner of SH121 and Melissa Rd. Here are the easiest ways to arrive.  

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Building A

 Main Entrance
 The Hub (Coffee, Information, etc.)
 Worship Center | Gym
 Child Check-In  
 Church Office

 Building B

Level 1: Preschool Ministries (Birth thru Pre-K)
Level 2: Café | Theater| Student Ministries (Grades 6-12)

 Handicap Parking

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