"Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations..." ~ Matthew 28:19
First Melissa exists to make disciples who make disciples. We believe it is the calling of every Christ-follower to view the world around us as a mission field of people who need to hear the good news of Jesus!
The good news is that although all of us are sinners, we are saved through the power of love of Jesus Christ. And Jesus instructs us to carry that message of good news and hope to the world... both near and far.
So at First Melissa, we REACH INTENTIONALLY to share the gospel in our own neighborhoods and communities, and in distant places as well. Sometimes we do this directly, mobilizing our members in ministry teams to address needs and care for our communities. Other times we partner with outside ministries that are making an impact for Christ in ways that share our heart. And just as we ask believers to tithe, First Melissa gives 11% of our receipts to missions endeavors around the world.
Meet our local and U.S.-based partners
Metro Relief
Metro Relief is a non-profit organization that serves the poor and homeless communities in and around DFW. Their core mission includes taking a mobile kitchen to those on the streets, building relationships of trust with those in need, and offering prayer and encouragement. Metro walks alongside the poor and homeless speaking truth into their lives to bring life transformation and loving kindness.
Chapel of Hope / Frank Graham II
Chapel of Hope's mission is to fund and construct inmate chapels inside prisons operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ). Chapels provide space for other faith-based ministries to minister, educate and mentor inmates for purposes of winning souls for our Lord Jesus Christ and bringing positive changes to inmate's lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. Chapel of Hope is committed to supporting the TDCJ Seminary and its training of offenders to become field ministers (missionaries) to be sent out to live and minister in other TDCJ units after graduation from a four year seminary training program. These offenders are taught at the TDCJ seminary by professors from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and receive an accredited bachelor of science degree in Biblical Studies.
Christmas Angel
First Melissa Christmas Angel has been dedicated to providing a Christmas blessing to families for 46 years. The Christmas season is a time of joy, but for some families, providing gifts and a meal is a real struggle. During this Christmas Season, First Melissa will bless families in need in our local communities. We are requesting nominations of families to receive a Christmas Angel blessing. When you nominate a family for Christmas Angel, not only are you giving that family the chance to receive some much-needed help during the Christmas season, you are also expressing the love of Jesus! Click here to nominate a family for Christmas Angel. (See our Christmas Angel page for details.)
Faith Walk / Smart Talk radio ministries
First Melissa sponsors two radio shows hosted by Pastor Trey Graham. Faith Walk carries the truth of God’s word heard in our Sunday services to the greater DFW area. Smart Talk brings a biblical perspective to current events and politics through interviews with special guests from a wide variety of fields and disciplines. Both shows can be heard on 100.7 FM, The Word and online at www.thewordfm.com
- Faith Walk with Trey Graham airs M-F at 10 am
- Smart Talk with Trey Graham airs Sundays at 4 pm
Southern Baptist Disaster Relief
Southern Baptist Disaster Relief teams respond to a variety of emergency situations around Texas and the U.S. They provide physical labor and logistical assistance, including cleanup, recovery, chaplaincy, relief team feeding, and childcare for affected natural disaster victims. In addition to providing financial support, First Melissa also has a team of volunteers that help carry out the mission of this statewide organization. (See our Find a Place to Serve page for details.)
Meet our global partners
Embrace Brasil / Vitor & Amanda Freitas
Brazil has many areas stricken with poverty and lacking education. Embrace Brasil serves the community of Sao Mateus do Sul by working with adolescents through after-school programs, Bible studies, sports and other activities. These missionaries work to teach life and trade skills, and to help supplement basic academic learning. In the process, they are able to share the gospel of Jesus for a more promising future through Him.
Joshua Project / Andy & Tresha McKnight
In Romania, unsanitary medical practices in the 80s and 90s led to a pediatric HIV/AIDS epidemic that still continues. Abandoned by their families, these children live in pitiful conditions in the infectious disease hospitals and orphanages. The Joshua Project ministers to this neglected population through community services including activity centers, summer camps, home visitations, and health education. They also spend many hours at the bedsides of these orphans. Through their efforts, thousands have come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ, one heart at a time.
Disciplemaking Communities Marseille / Scott & Michal Sullivan
On the southern coast of France, Marseille receives a significant number of refugees from north, west, and east Africa and central Asia. Seeking relief from poverty and civil unrest, these people are largely from Muslim and other non-Christian cultures. There are currently not enough trained workers to reach them, but using street ministry to make disciples among these people and training French churches to do the same, Disciplemaking Communities Network in Marseille is working hard to change that.
King of Kings Community Church, Jerusalem / Chad Holland, Pastor
King of Kings Community, Jerusalem, is called to be a compelling, Messiah-centered, spirit-empowered, disciple-making community revealing the true face of Yeshua (Jesus) to Israel and the nations. Through friendship between our pastors, First Melissa and King of Kings Community have developed a "sister church" relationship, sharing the love and redemption of Jesus on opposite sides of the globe. First Melissa partners with King of Kings to assist their ministries as they proclaim the gospel of Jesus in the Holy Land.
Israel Football League
The Israel Football League (IFL) is an amateur American-style football league in the Holy Land consisting of eight adult teams and a high school league. The IFL is the highest level of American football in Israel and each season culminates in the Israel Bowl. Attracting players and fans from all walks of life, the IFL uses sports to help unify Israeli society. Players and fans are drawn from all economic levels, ethnicities and religions. American football inspires mutual respect, team spirit and good sportsmanship. Our church supports endeavors which use athletics to build relationships among Christians, Jews and Arabs in the Land of Israel.